Meet Mrs. Epstein

A familiar face in a new space

Jason Fallo, Reporter

One of the newest additions to the High School staff this year, Mrs. Epstein, formerly known as Ms. Fitzgibbon, is a familiar face to those who knew her as a teacher in the Middle School. Mrs. Epstein is excited to teach a new curriculum with some of her old students again, and despite the struggles associated with the aftermath of COVID she is having a successful transition between schools.

Despite the huge leap from teaching eighth graders to juniors and seniors, Mrs. Epstein is embracing the changes. She is very excited to crack open some new books with her students and encourage them to “open up their minds to reading and learning in a way they haven’t before.”

Surprisingly, Mrs. Epstein didn’t always want to be a teacher. “In college I went through all the different majors. I started pre-law, I did pre-med for a little bit, I did journalism, photography, childhood education. I went all over the place.” Mrs. Epstein believes that finding your place in the world is a journey that you have to figure out for yourself, and it’s okay to not know right away what you want to be.

Outside of teaching, Mrs. Epstein enjoys spending time with family, playing chess, going to farmers’ markets, volunteering at different shelters, and working on her new house.