The Hampton Bays Thespian Society Shines Bright with Their Production of “Radium Girls”

Isabella Moschetta stars as Grace in “Radium Girls”
December 21, 2021

On November 19th & 20th, Hampton Bays high school Thespian Society had it’s fall performance of Radium Girls, a play about the young women who got radiation poisoning from the radium-laced paint used by the U.S. Radium Corporation, and their legal battle for compensation against the corrupt factory owners trying to save their reputation.
The performance had a relatively small cast with just 11 actors and actresses, causing some of the cast members to take on multiple roles during the production. Despite the small cast the show was very well put together with few technical issues, amazing performances from all members of the cast, and an efficient stage crew. I sat down with one of the cast members, Emily Duarte Andrade, and talked with her about the production. Emily said that performing was “really exciting, and terrifying, but I really like it!” Emily thought that the smaller cast made preparing for the show easier. “It was easier for Ms. Perez and Ms. Spota to organize everything, outfits and makeup were easier than with a big cast.”
For those who missed the show, the performance was recorded and is available to watch on the Hampton Bays School District’s YouTube channel or by following this link: Click here!