Friday March 1, Hampton Bays held the Battle of the Classes in the front gym where the Class of 2024 took first place.
Class night concluded with a third place finish for the freshmen, a second place tie for the juniors and sophomores, and a first place win for the seniors. While the juniors won first place with their country-themed performance for the lip sync battle, they had no chance against the seniors who had strong participation in dressing up for spirit week. The seniors also featured their own celebrity Clint Vasquez, also known as “The Human Vacuum” for his fourth consecutive victory in the pie eating contest. Vasquez had a special entrance as he walked into the gym wearing a boxing robe, gloves, music playing on the speakers, and a squad of people behind him all wearing sunglasses. As the boys’ pie eating contest began, most if not everyone was watching Vasquez as he demolished the competition as well as his pie.
Moving on to the lip sync battle, everyone put up a good show but the juniors took the win in the end with their country theme. The juniors had made and painted a cardboard box car for their set and had multiple people with baseball bats smacking the car and the ground with the song “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood playing. They also had junior Alex Bermudez come out of the boys locker room running circles around the gym in a blow up horse costume swinging a lasso in the air. Though the seniors put up a good fight with their hip hop theme featuring a light show, break dancing choreography, and their own personal DJ, senior Jake Belvedere, they were no match for the junior girls in cowgirl hats and baseball bats. The freshman had a good performance for their first year in the lip sync battle with a theme of rock and roll, leading with the song “School’s Out” by Alice Cooper. The sophomores did well in bringing up special guests like Chef Curtis and Mr. Morgan to dance with the students to their pop theme.
Many staff and teachers brought their own kids with them and some even participated in some games. During limbo, sophomore class advisor Mrs. Aiello and her two kids participated in the game, not counting for points but just for fun. The juniors won limbo in the end as Kenzie David beat everyone by a landslide. While everyone else had fallen or tapped out, David looked like she could’ve continued going lower.
While the seniors won first place in the end, every class put up a good fight and had a good time.